Changing the World One Bicycle at a Time

Changing the World One Bicycle at a Time

The headquarters of World Bicycle Relief (WBR) is small and humble. The staff is united like a family. We toured the facility to see where the production happens. Our organization, Chooda, has been donating to WBR for several years. Our generous donations have made an impact.

WBR uses donations and sales to donate bicycles to kids in rural Africa. They train the mechanics to build, maintain, and ride the bike safely. Each mechanic has a school they serve. They are at the school every week taking care of the bicycles and checking in on the participants. The workers can stay the life of the program.

“With a Buffalo Bicycle student attendance increases up to 28%”

Our guide through the WBR headquarters. Photo by Argento Studios

The General Manager, Brian, tells us a story about a girl he ran into at the grocery store. She recognized him from the bike donation. The recipient got a bike from the program. The bike came when she wasn’t sure she had the strength to continue going to school. Because of the bicycle, she could complete school and start a full-time job. She was so proud and was still using the bike. Every story we heard had a similar outcome.

In rural Africa, the modes of transport are ox and cart or bicycle. Photo by Argento Studios

A bike is the way to school, work, and so much more for someone in rural Africa.  The rural roads are scattered with children running free and happy. The modes of transport are ox and cart and a bicycle. Bikes carry with charcoal to sell, or the goods picked up from the local market and driven excessive miles to their prospective location. Bikes increase survival and allow for someone to travel long distances in shorter times. Children who live far from school face the danger of fatigue if walking so far. The donor program gives these children a future and opportunity to succeed.

The Chooda team toured the headquarters and build bikes with the crew. Besides building the bikes, it was a reminder we took as we rode 350 miles across Zambia. Each time we spotted a child or an adult on a bike we knew it had changed their life because of it.

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